Issue 12 - Welcome to Quarterly
This issue of Quarterly focuses on solutions, a core theme of our fourth Lancet Series paper. In the spirit of solutions, co-founder Delan Devakumar reflects on the evolution of Race & Health:
Dear Readers,
As we near the end of the year, I am reflecting on where Race & Health has come from and is now. We started in 2020, at peak-COVID and after the murder of George Floyd. While our work began in 2019, we felt that we should go public in 2020 when the conversation was focused squarely on racism. That dialogue led to our voice being prominent in the health justice sphere, and we have tried to sustain this momentum in different ways. Given that we are a largely unfunded group, our outputs have been remarkable. We have produced this tri-monthly newsletter, several academic articles including a Lancet Series, a public engagement project on climate and racial equity, three series of the Race & Health Podcast, a new educational guide on social justice, many webinars and in-person events including at COP27, an analysis of postgraduate medical training in the UK, we have supported advocacy campaigns, and have started a new Lancet commission.
Race & Health is a multi-disciplinary collective that seeks to engage, to educate and to advocate. We are situated within the Institute for Global Health in UCL, but our group is broader than UCL. While our base is in academic work, we look outwards. We know that our evidence cannot remain on the pages of a journal. But for our work to be trusted, it must remain centred in the evidence and be rights-based.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed. People have worked with us as a one off or sustained over the years. A lot of this goes unseen, so a special thanks to those who do the unfashionable jobs. If you are keen to join and take the work forward, get in touch.

Looking Back
Lancet Commission Launch
This past November, we launched the new Lancet Commission on racism and child health on World Children's Day. With comments from Chair Delan Devakumar and Commissioners, we discussed our areas of work to come, key themes of interest to the Commission, and more. Stay tuned to our YouTube channel for the event's recording.
Series 3 of the Race & Health Podcast is out now. For this series, we are partnering with The Lancet Voice Podcast and together, we are exploring themes from the Lancet Series on racism, xenophobia, discrimination, and health.
Global Health 50/50 and the UK's gender pay gap
GH5050 have just launched a new report – 'The Space Between' – which dives into the current state of the gender pay gap and ethnicity pay gap in the UK organisations active in global health. Aaron Koay, a Race & Health Collective member and Research Officer at GH5050 who contributed to this report, found that across 42 organisations in the UK, the median gender pay gap is 10.9%. In other words, women are working for free from today until the end of the year.
Read The Space Between now to learn more about the UK gender pay gap within the field of global health.