Issue 4: Mental Health

Welcome to the fourth and final Race & Health Quarterly of 2021. We are proud of the platform we have created over the past ten months and want to take this opportunity to thank each and every contributor who has volunteered their time, energy and work to this newsletter.
Nearly two years after the first case of COVID-19 was recorded, the virus continues to put pressure on health systems globally, and the inequitable distribution of vaccines between high- and low- and middle-income countries – along with the potential waste of millions of vaccines by high-income countries – remains an issue that requires urgent action.
In this edition, we look at race and mental health. Whilst COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter shone a spotlight on mental health, initiatives and research focusing on the links between race and mental health have long been established. As such, we sat with Sage from The Radical Therapist Network, and artist and community organiser Avantika Shenoy to discuss these initiatives. All of this, plus academic literature reviews, popular culture pieces and a look back at what Race & Health has been up to over the past quarter.
If you believe in our work, you can join us, support us and importantly, if you can, fund us.
In this Quarterly:
Pop Culture
Guest Comment: Dr Geetha Reddy: Knowledge with and from the Global South: lessons from psychology
Person Spotlight: Avantika Shenoy
Person Spotlight: Sage and the Radical Therapist Network
Academic Highlights