Issue 6 - Migration and Asia

Welcome back to the Race & Health Quarterly. This issue explores migration, health, and discrimination around Asia. While migration is a positive experience for many, migrants' access to healthcare, safe working environments, and exposure to violence by stigma and sociopolitical exclusion can threaten their health and wellbeing. In cases of trafficking, these conditions are forced upon survivors. Engage these issues with us in Issue 2, where we highlight work around conflict, trafficking, labour, and how these relationships shape health.
If you believe in our work, we ask that you join us, support us and importantly, if you can, fund us.
In this Quarterly
Pop Culture: Film and Book Reviews
Person Spotlight: Malcolm Bidali on labour rights in Qatar
Guest Comment: Lucy McCray from The Freedom Story, Migration and Health in South-East Asia
Academic Highlights
Commentary: Pregnant and in Chains
Looking Back
Introducing the Envisioning Environmental Equity Project (EEE)

This year, Race & Health started work on a new project known as Envisioning Environmental Equity, or, EEE. EEE explores how climate change impacts the health and wellbeing of communities from most affected peoples and areas (MAPA) through community workshops with young activists, the development of a climate justice education module, and an academic paper. MAPA remain excluded from climate mitigation agendas and leadership, resulting in further inequity. With the help of our organisational partners: The University of São Paulo (USP), YACAP, and Climate Operation, we aim to create climate and health work that centres racial justice, which means our efforts to reduce the negative impacts of climate change must be free from discrimination and anti-oppresive. Learn more about the EEE project here, and follow us on social media for updates on our deliverables. @RaceAndHealth @ClimateOperation @yacaphilippines Silence Heard Out Loud by Rita and Delan Check out Rita and Delan's review of Silence Heard Loud, by Anna Konik. This film offers snapshots of traumatised lives through the stories of migrants who have fled persecution and settled in the UK. The film gives the viewer a chance to hear people whose stories remain trapped within them.
Find the full review here. New Episodes of the Race & Health Podcast

This quarter, the Race & Health Podcast released the first episodes of our Envisioning Environmental Equity series, where we focus on issues at the nexus of climate change, health, and discrimination. Episode 1, titled Defining Environmental Justice is out now. Episode 2, titled Youth and Climate Justice will be released tomorrow, Monday, May 23rd at 5:00 AM BST. This episode features leaders from our organisational partners: University of São Paolo, Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines, and Climate Operation. Listen here.